Wednesday, December 9, 2009

The Twins are here !- Birth Story

Lathan and Levi entered the world on November 3rd 2009 ! Here is my birth story....

Well, I was dilated to 4cm since 34 weeks. During all those weeks I would get constant contractions but they would eventually slow down and go away. So by 36 weeks I was utterly miserable. I couldn't sleep at all because it was so painful. I wanted it over with badly. That last week was horrible. I kept waiting for my water to break any second. but no such luck. So the morning of monday I was excited to have made it to 37 weeks and know that I had 1 week left until I got to meet the babies because my dr would induce me. Well then I find out my dr was going to be gone !!! I was so upset because i didn't know who would deliver my babies and I was so uncomfortable that I just wanted it over. So around noon I started getting some ccontractions but no different than usual. They were anywhere from 11 to 3 minutes apart. Through out the day they got closer and a little more noticeable but still nothing different. Adam said that maybe we should go in but I really didn't want to because it just felt like all the other times. I showered and got packed just in case. Adam got home from work about 4:45 and we left and dropped the kids off at the in laws and I said my teary goodbye since I might not see them for a few days if the babies were born. So we get to the hospital around 6:30 maybe and got check about 7. I was a stretchy 5, about 80 % effaced and baby A at +1 station. She said that since 5 wasn't a big change from 4 and i was 4 for so long. so if I hadn't changed in 2 hours they would send me home. I was pretty bummed because I was going to get sent home again. Contractions were still pretty mild coming anywhere between 2-5 minutes. Adam was freaking out beccause the contractions on the monitor were so much bigger than they have ever been but they felt the same. He knew this was it but i still wasnt convinced. so about 9 the dr came in and checked me and i was 6 so she said I wasn't going anywhere !! They were going to give me another 2 hours and get me ready for the OR. They decided to do the epidural then. I really didn't want an epidural. but they said it was safest is case they needed to get Baby b out fast. The epidural was a strange sensation, didn't hurt going in, just uncomfortable. Then only my right side was numb and I could only feel them on my left ( and this was when my contractions started getting painful ) They had to lay me flat and turn me to my left a little to spread the medicine out. It slowly numbed that side but then I was left with a pocket on the bottom laft of my belly. Strange to feel contractions in one tiny spot ! So the dr came in about 11:30 and I was still 6cm but water was tighter so she decided to break it. She said if I start to feel pressure let them know. Well dr left and they were getting the monitors situated and I started to feel Lathan drop and then I felt the rectal pressure and I knew it was time ! So they called the dr in and she said yep you are ripe and ready ! lol So they started rushing around getting things ready because they did not expect it to happen that fast. So adam had to put his space suit on lol They wouldn't let us take our video camera into the OR ! I was so bummed ! but we did take our regular camera. They wouldn't let my mom come back so she had to stand in the hall. So we get in there and tell me to start to push when I get a contraction. 2 big pushes and Lathan was out !( 12:44am 6lbs 4oz 19.6 in ) I started crying as soon as I saw him, he was perfect ! I couldn't keep my eyes off him ! Dr said baby B was moving right on down ! So she told me to push and 1 big one and Levi was out ( 12:49am 6lbs 0.1oz 19.6in ). It was funny because I kept laughing while i was pushing because I just couldnt believe they were actually coming ! as soon as I saw /levi I just could't believe how different he looked from lathan ! I was immediately in love with my boys ! Daddy got to hold them and then I got to hold them skin to skin. I had a small tear on my cervix but that was it. I was bleeding pretty bad and the dr suspected retained placenta so she stuck her hand in and i had pieces of placenta still attached, it took a little bit for her to get it all out but she did and we got wheeled back to the room. I was shaking pretty bad from the drop in hormones and i was super tired. Lathan nursed right away but Levi took a while but they are both nursing awesome !!!


Unknown said...

Huge congrats and what a wonderful story! They are both perfect!

Kate said...

omg shannon reading that reminded me of my labour with annika. prelabour for weeks 4cm, everyone rushing around trying to get things set up as the head was RIGHT THERE and then me laughing my head off in between pushes. how bizarre! welcome to both boys!