Thursday, December 10, 2009

My house is a mess and my coffee is cold...

Can't ever get anything done these days. Once I get one baby to sleep I work on the next one, Get him asleep. Get up and fix kids breakfast ( or lunch or snack ). Fix myself something. Maybe a hot chocolate or in today's case. Coffee. By the time I fix it one of the kids spill something or intentionally spill something. Like this morning it was, Orange juice on the carpet, the dogs water in the kitchen, and her breakfast dumped into her water ( Sydney ). so by the time I get to my breakfast and coffee it is cold. So now that I get to sit for a minute and eat my breakfast, drink my coffee and make a blog post. At least I get to type with both hands at the moment ! So I will stop my rambling and finish my cold breakfast and tend to my runny nosed kids this morning before the babies wake up !

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I feel your pain!! I thought I was the only one lol! I ALWAYS get to eat a cold supper because me being nice like I fix everybodys plates, and drinks. So by the time I actually fix mine and sit down at the table its cold, and just wondering what is breakfast?? Lol!