Hampton Cove - Our New Office
Our new Pediatric Dentistry office opens in March 2015 to serve our
patients in the Hampton Cove area.
Alabama Pediatric Dental Associates and Orthodontics...
Testing, testing...is this thing on?
So, yeah. It's been a very long time. But three kids plus one miscarriage
plus one more baby will do that to you. A lot has happened and I am going
to try ...
My opinions on a tough subject
The other day I saw a link on Facebook that lead to a CNN iReport
where a blogger explains Why they raise their children without God. I was
Griffin is TWO!
Griffin turned 2 on December 18th. I can’t believe my baby is two. Thanks
to my bestie Liz, we had a ton of pirate party stuff, which is perfect
since both...
sick baby.
yes, it's been forever. i'm a horrible blogger. i wish i could hire someone
to blog my life for me! maybe they could also help out with the rugrats,
the mo...
Wild Animal Safari
*We took DJ to the Wild Animal Safari in Pine Mountain today and it was
great! You get to ride around and feed a bunch of wild animals. DJ really
liked it,...
Dividing up your time
As moms, we quickly learn how to divide up our time. Usually we end up
saving the smallest slice for ourselves, putting babies and husbands and
housework ...
To The Doctor!
Chendas 6 month appointment is today! that means we get to see how much she
is growing! unfortunately that also means she’s got to get her shots. i
wish th...
Thanks, thats what I thought too but didn't know for sure.. I will have to do something..
I think they look great! What fun to have a joint birthday party!!!
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